For next working day deliveries, orders need to be placed before 1pm for same-day dispatch when parts are in stock. Excludes pallet deliveries.


If you change your mind about keeping your purchase, please advise us within 14 days of receiving your goods and return within the next 14 days in its original condition with proof of purchase. We will exchange or refund it as long as it meets our terms and conditions explained below.

By original condition we mean

· The product is in in good condition and the product can be resold at full price

· You have not used the product.

· The product has not been resold or irreversibly incorporated into another product

If you return products which are within our returns policy you’ll receive a refund within 10 days of returning the item to the same payment method you used

If you return products which are outside our returns policy or if you don’t have proof of purchase, we’re unable to process a refund or exchange, so please keep your order confirmation.

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