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As the main structure for cold rooms and temperature-controlled environments, cold room panels are essential for keeping stock at the right temperature in climate-controlled premises.
Cold room storage can allow for both chiller and freezer rooms, making them suitable for a range of industries, such as:
So, if using domestic fridges and freezers is becoming ineffective or your business requirements have changed, the team at MTCSS can help.
Making up the walls and ceilings of cold room storage, cold room panels are constructed from a three-layered design that offers excellent insulation properties as well as structural support.
An inflexible core is sandwiched between two structural boards which come in differing thicknesses based on how much thermal insulation they contain. This could be anywhere from 80-100mm depending on the type of cold room you have.
However, as well as maintaining positive or negative temperatures, cold room panels come with a range of other benefits, including:
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